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Awaken Your Inner World: The Power of Archetypal Imagination

Feb 19, 2025 | Archetypes, Creativity, Dreamwork

In a world dominated by information and technology, the archetypal imagination offers a transformative connection to the universal and ancient roots of the soul. It’s a potent elixir, immunizing you against the overwhelming expansion of ego-based information. Understanding and harnessing this power can spark a spiritual re-awakening, ignite creativity, and facilitate profound healing, offering a beacon of hope and inspiration in the modern world.

Understanding Archetypes

Archetypes are primal patterns that shape how you perceive the world, forming patterns that create primal forms, which are then filled with contents unique to your culture, experiences, and dreams. This understanding can enlighten you about your own perception and help you become more self-aware.

Practical Tip:

  • Dream Journaling: Keep a dream journal and record recurring themes, characters, or symbols. These may point to underlying archetypal patterns at play in your life.
  • Reflect on your emotional responses to the images in your dreams and waking life.


  • Engaging with archetypes allows you to tap into a deeper understanding of yourself and the world, fostering a sense of connection and meaning.

The Role of Imagination

Imagination is the ability to form images that carry energy, constructing bridges to infinite worlds beyond your rational and emotional capacities. This understanding can help you feel more connected to your creative potential and the infinite possibilities of the imagination.

We can distinguish between two types of imagination – primary and secondary. Primary imagination is the primordial constitutive act, like Yahweh’s “I Am that I Am,” symbolizing the summoning of something out of nothing. It’s the raw material of imagination, the ability to form mental images. Secondary imagination, what Jung called the archetypal power, is the transformative aspect of imagination. It echoes the original creation through the generative power of an image, allowing us to create new ideas and understandings.

Practical Tip:

  • Engage in Creative Activities: Dedicate time to activities stimulating your imagination, such as painting, writing, music, or dance. Allow yourself to express yourself freely without judgment. You can also try storytelling, role-playing, or even daydreaming to engage with your imagination.
  • Spend Time in Nature: Immerse yourself in natural environments, observing the intricate details and allowing your mind to wander. Nature can be a powerful catalyst for imaginative insights.
  • Practice Active Imagination: Engage meditatively, allowing images to arise from your unconscious—dialogue with these images, giving them space to express themselves.


  • By actively engaging your imagination, you enhance your capacity for creativity, problem-solving, and spiritual connection.

Religious Imaginings

Humans have always sought to understand transcendent reality. Religious imaginings provide clues to the mystery of the Divine and the archetypal imagination’s capacity to access it.

Thales exclaimed, “Everything is full of gods!” witnessing the depth and dynamism of all things and exercising the spiritual eye. The word “god” isn’t a concept but an encounter with the vitalistic cosmos. The movement from concept to numinous experience, a profound and spiritual encounter, is the difference between intellectual acknowledgment and living faith.

Practical Tip:

  • Explore Religious Texts and Mythologies: Familiarize yourself with religious and mythological traditions such as Christianity, Hinduism, Greek mythology, or Native American folklore, paying attention to recurring symbols and narratives. Reflect on how these stories resonate with your own experiences and beliefs.
  • Contemplate the Idea of God: Reflect on your understanding of the Divine, recognizing that your psychology and prejudices shape your conception. Embrace the ambiguity and mystery inherent in the concept of God.


  • Exploring religious imaginings can deepen your connection to something larger than yourself, providing comfort, guidance, and meaning in life.

Literary Imaginings

Words create numinous images that provide divine inspiration and celebrate the wondrous mystery of life, love, and death. Rilke’s poetry illustrates how the spiritual realm is the source of ultimate meaning.

One of our vital human tasks is to bear witness, assist into being, and help things exist more intensely than they would without us. Through consciousness, mindfulness, or what Rilke calls ‘aufmerken’ (a German term for attentive perception), you participate in Being.

Practical Tip:

  • Read Poetry: Immerse yourself in the works of poets like Rilke, allowing their words to evoke emotions and insights within you. Pay attention to the images and metaphors they employ and how they resonate with your experiences.
  • Write Your Poetry: Express your thoughts, feelings, and experiences through poetry, experimenting with language and imagery. Allow your intuition to guide your writing without overthinking or censoring yourself.


  • Engaging with literary imaginings can expand your emotional range, deepen your understanding of the human condition, and enhance your capacity for self-expression.

Incarnational Imaginings

Through the painter’s eye, you gain a unique view of eternity. Artists tap into the collective unconscious and our common spiritual heritage. By studying their work, you can develop pictures of your lives, myths, and what lies beyond death.

Practical Tip:

  • Visit Art Museums and Galleries: Spend time observing and contemplating works of art, paying attention to your emotional and intuitive responses. Allow the art to speak to you without trying to analyze it intellectually.
  • Create Your Art: Engage in artistic expression, such as painting, drawing, or sculpting, even if you don’t consider yourself an artist. Focus on the process of creation rather than the result.


  • Exploring incarnational imaginings can awaken your senses, expand your perspective, and connect you to the creative energy of the universe.

Therapeutic Imaginings

Psychotherapy and the soul are intertwined. The creative spark of the soul, in the troubled imagination of the psychologically disturbed, contains healing qualities leading to recovery and renewal of purpose and meaning. The soul must be retrieved and rekindled before individual and collective healing can occur.

Practical Tip:

  • Seek Therapy: If you’re struggling with emotional or psychological challenges, consider seeking therapy with an depth psychologist who understands the importance of soul and imagination.
  • Engage in Self-Reflection: Reflect on your life experiences, identifying patterns, beliefs, and emotions contributing to your suffering. Ask yourself questions about the origins of these patterns and the unmet needs they may be serving.
  • Attend to Your Dreams: Pay attention to your dreams, recognizing them as messages from your unconscious. Keep a dream journal and explore the symbols and narratives that emerge.


  • By engaging in therapeutic imaginings, you can heal emotional wounds, gain self-awareness, and discover a more profound sense of purpose and meaning in life.

Reimagining the Soul

The archetypal imagination is how you encounter the divine and how it may be reborn in you. Out of the tension of opposites, the new thing, the third, is where the gods and humans meet, developmental healing occurs, and meaning will still be found.

To recollect the soul, you are enjoined to the contemplation of the poet rather than the pathologist and the artist rather than the psychologist. By way of the archetypal imagination, you have intimations of immortality, are participants in a recurrent eschatological drama, and bring your small individuated piece to the great mosaic.

Practical Tip:

  • Cultivate a Sense of Wonder: Approach the world with curiosity and awe, recognizing the mystery and beauty surrounding you.
  • Embrace Paradox: Accept that life is full of contradictions and uncertainties, and resist the urge to find easy answers or solutions. Allow yourself to dwell in the tension of ambiguity, trusting that meaning will emerge in time.


  • By reimagining the soul, you can transcend limitations, embrace your full potential, and live a life filled with purpose, meaning, and joy.


The insights presented in this article highlight the importance of engaging with the archetypal imagination as a pathway to spiritual re-awakening, creativity, and soulful healing. As we navigate the complexities of a world dominated by information and technology, it becomes increasingly clear that tapping into the universal and ancient roots of the soul is essential for immunizing against the overwhelming expansion of ego-based information. By embracing dream journaling, creative activities, exploration of religious texts, poetry writing, art appreciation, therapy, and cultivating a sense of wonder, we can better understand ourselves and our connection to the cosmos. Ultimately, the journey doesn’t end here; it invites further exploration of the archetypal world and encourages us to think critically about our role in bringing meaning and consciousness to the transient moments of life. Through collaborative efforts, creative expression, and open dialogue, we can pave the way for a brighter future, reimagining our souls and contributing to the cosmos unfolding.


Hollis, J. (2000). The archetypal imagination. Texas A&M University Press.


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